
The following interface definition is provided as a standard that can be followed when developing a smart card service provider.

The ISCardManage interface must be provided. It is used for attaching to a specific smart card or reader, for creating other optional interfaces to perform specific smart card functions, for locking a specific smart card for exclusive use, and for getting the status of a smart card or reader. As a set, these services can be responsible for maintaining a well-defined context within which an application can communicate with a smart card or reader.

Following is a typical use of ISCardManage interface.

    To connect to a smart card
  1. Create the ISCardManage interface associated with the card.
  2. Connect to a smart card by attaching to a specific smart card reader (AttachByIFD) or by using a previously acquired handle (AttachByHandle).
  3. Create other interfaces to perform smart card operations (CreateAuth, CreateFileAccess, CreateVerify, or CreateInterface).
  4. Release the card (Detach).
  5. Release the ISCardManage interface and others as required.


ISCardManage Method Definition
AttachByHandle Allows an application to create a communication link to a smart card using a handle returned by the smart card resource manager.
AttachByIFD Allows an application to request establishment of a context for a specific reader referenced with a friendly name.
CreateAuth Allows the creation of a ISCardAuth interface.
CreateFileAccess Allows the creation of a ISCardFileAccess interface.
CreateInterface Allows the creation of a component-supported interface.
CreateVerify Allows the creation of a ISCardVerify interface.
Detach Releases the attachment to a particular smart card or reader allocated by AttachByHandle or AttachByIFD respectively.
SCardLock Locks a connected smart card or reader for exclusive use.
SCardUnlock Releases exclusive use of the connected smart card or reader.
Reconnect Allows an application to reconnect to a smart card or reader without having to issue a Detach followed by AttachByHandle or AttachByIFD respectively.
Status Allows an application to get the current status of the smart card or reader.