Smart Card Functions

The Smart Card SDK provides the following functions.

Call… To…
GetOpenCardName Display the smart card common dialog.
SCardAddReaderToGroup Add a reader to an existing reader group.
SCardBeginTransaction Start a transaction.
SCardCancel Terminate all outstanding actions within a context.
SCardConnect Establish a connection between the calling application and a smart card.
SCardControl Get direct control of the reader after SCardConnect is called.
SCardDisconnect Terminate a connection between the calling application and a smart card.
SCardEndTransaction Complete a transaction.
SCardEstablishContext Establish a resource manager context for accessing the smart card database.
SCardForgetCardType Remove a previously defined smart card from the smart card subsystem.
SCardForgetReader Remove a previously defined reader from the smart card subsystem.
SCardForgetReaderGroup Remove a previously defined reader group from the smart card subsystem.
SCardFreeMemory Release memory allocated by resource manager.
SCardGetAttrib Get the current reader's attributes from a given reader, driver, or smart card.
SCardGetProviderId Get the identifier (GUID) of the Primary Service Provider for a smart card.
SCardGetStatusChange Block execution until status of the reader(s) changes.
SCardIntroduceCardType Introduce a new smart card to the smart card subsystem.
SCardIntroduceReader Introduce a new reader to the smart card subsystem.
SCardIntroduceReaderGroup Introduce a new reader group to the smart card subsystem.
SCardListCards Provide a list of smart cards already introduced to the subsystem.
SCardListInterfaces Provide a list of interfaces supplied by a given smart card.
SCardListReaderGroups Provide a list of reader groups already introduced to the subsystem.
SCardListReaders Provide a list of readers already introduced to the subsystem.
SCardLocateCards Locate the card(s) that matches a given ATR string.
SCardLocateDialog Initiate a search for a given smart card.
SCardReconnect Reestablish an existing connection from the calling application to the smart card.
SCardReleaseContext Close an established resource manager context.
SCardRemoveReaderFromGroup Remove a reader from an existing reader group.
SCardSetAttrib Set a given reader attribute.
SCardStatus Get the current state of a reader.
SCardTransmit Send a service request to a smart card.