[Setup Package for Sharing]

The [Setup Package for Sharing] section defines the Sharing properties of the package. Sharing properties are used for installing the package on servers and sharing it from those servers (Share Package On Server jobs).

ShareName (required)
The share name that you want to assign to the shared package when it is installed on a server.


ShareName = exc40ash
ShareAccess (required)
The access permissions to the package’s share when the shared package is installed on a server. You can assign permissions to two user groups: Users and Guests. There are two permissions that you can assign:
Permits users in the group to read and copy files, run programs, change directories within the shared directory, and read extended attributes of files.

To run a program file (one with a .COM, .EXE, or .BAT extension), the user must have Read permission.

Permits users in the group to write the contents and extended attributes of files.

You assign permissions to these groups by using the following entries: UserRead sets Read permission for the Users group, UserWrite sets Write permission for the Users group, GuestRead sets Read permission for the Guests group, and GuestWrite sets Write permission for the Guests group.


ShareAccess = UserRead, UserWrite, GuestRead, GuestWrite