Creating a List of SMS Views from the SMS Database

The actual views created in your database may differ from the previous list, depending on the contents of your site database. To see the views that have actually been created in an SMS site database, run the following query:

select * from sysobjects where type = "V"

The SMSVIEW program creates views based on a dynamic table in the SMS database that lists all of the groups and attributes currently in the database. The inventory reported by the Inventory Agent (which runs at each SMS computer and reports the computer's inventory to the site database), and by custom MIF files, determines which groups and attributes are contained in the database. (For more information about extending the SMS inventory with custom MIF files, see Extending the Inventory.)

This means that SMSVIEW may create additional views (or views with additional fields) based on the groups and attributes that have been reported to your particular site database. Or SMSVIEW may create a set of views that does not include the common views or fields listed in the table because inventory information for those groups or attributes has not been reported to your site database.

It is strongly recommended that you run the SMSVIEW program periodically to generate views that reflect the current groups and attributes in the site database. This is particularly important if a new attribute or group has been reported or if a group has been deleted.