General Setup for Using the SMSVIEW Samples

Before you can use the samples to access a site database, you must run the SMSVIEW program against that site database. SMSVIEW.EXE is installed in the smsroot\SITE.SRV\platform.BIN directory of every primary site server (where smsroot is the root directory where SMS is installed on the site server, and platform.BIN is the directory for the processor type of the site server—for example, X86.BIN for x86-based processors, ALPHA.BIN for Alpha, and MIPS.BIN for MIPS).

To use the samples, you must have the following items installed on the computer where you will be using the samples:

After you have installed these items, copy the sample files to your computer and create an ODBC entry for the site database.

    To create an ODBC entry for the site database
  1. From the Control Panel, start the ODBC application (for more information about using ODBC, see the ODBC documentation).

    The Data Sources dialog box appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The Add Data Source dialog box appears.

  3. In the Installed ODBC Drivers box, select SQL Server.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Data Source Name box, type sms data.

    Optionally, you can add a description.

  6. In the Server box, type the name of the SQL Server that contains the site database.
  7. Click Options.
  8. In the Database Name box, type the name of SMS site database.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Close.