When an expression token contains a value or attribute with a string data type, the following operators can be used within those expression tokens.
How the system evaluates expressions containing string attributes depends on the code page installed on the SQL Server containing the SMS site database.
To evaluate string expressions, SMS uses the character set determined by the SQL Server's code page. For more information about the SQL Server code page, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
The code page can affect the operators that are available. The SMS API provides both case-sensitive and case-insensitive (uppercase) string operators. There is a case-sensitive and case-insensitive (uppercase) version of each string operator. The uppercase version enables you to make case-insensitive comparisons of string attribute values. Before SMS evaluates the clause for a stored value and the comparison value, both values are converted to uppercase using the SQL UPPER function. Otherwise, the uppercase version performs the same operation as the non-uppercase operator.
The string operators are:
MICROSOFT|SOFTWARE|1.0:Software Name comes after Microsoft Excel 3.0
SMS would find all computers with all software packages that have package names that follow Microsoft Excel version 3.0 in the package name attribute sort order—such as Microsoft Excel version 4.0, Microsoft Excel version 4.0a, Microsoft Project version 1.0a, Microsoft Word version 2.0, WordPerfect version 3.0, and so on.
To find only Microsoft Excel packages later than version 3.0, you would combine the previous clause with another clause that finds only package names that begin with Microsoft Excel. You combine the two clauses using an AND operator:
MICROSOFT|SOFTWARE|1.0:Software Name comes after Microsoft Excel 3.0
MICROSOFT|SOFTWARE|1.0:Software Name is like Microsoft Excel%
MICROSOFT|SOFTWARE|1.0:Software Name comes before Microsoft Word 2.0c
SMS would find all computers with all software packages that have package names that precede Microsoft Word version 2.0c in the package name attribute sort order—such as Microsoft Word version 2.0b, Microsoft Word version 2.0a, Microsoft Word version 2.0, Microsoft Word version 1.1, Microsoft Excel version 4.0, Asymetrix Toolbook version 1.0, and so on.
To find only Microsoft Word packages earlier than version 2.0c, you would combine the previous clause with another clause that finds only package names that begin with Microsoft Word. You combine the two clauses using an AND operator:
MICROSOFT|SOFTWARE|1.0:Software Name comes after Microsoft Word 2.0c
MICROSOFT|SOFTWARE|1.0:Software Name is like Microsoft Word%