
The SmsGetFolderType function retrieves a folder's type as both a DWORD value and as a character string.

SMS_STATUS SmsGetFolderType(
  HANDLE hFolder, // Handle to folder.
  DWORD *pfType,  // Pointer to a DWORD value to receive the folder 
                  // type.
  char *pszfType  // Pointer to string buffer to receive the folder 
                  // type.


Specifies the handle to the folder whose folder type you want to retrieve.
Receives the folder's type as a DWORD value. See Folder Types.
Receives folder's type as a string. Your application is responsible for ensuring that this buffer is large enough. If you are unsure of the correct buffer size, use SMS_DATA_BUFF_SIZE, which is the largest string size that SMS can currently store.

Return Values

The SmsGetFolderType function returns a status code SMS_STATUS. If successful, the function returns a status of SMS_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following manifest constants:

The specified folder handle is not a valid folder handle.
An action was attempted on a folder that has already been deleted.