The SmsCommitFolder function writes any changes to a folder to the site database (that is, changes carried out by calls to SmsLinkFolder and SmsUnlinkFolder).
SMS_STATUS SmsCommitFolder(
HANDLE hFolder // Handle to folder to commit.
SmsCommitFolder is the only function that modifies the SMS site database. SmsLinkFolder and SmsUnlinkFolder only modify folders within the application's memory. (Note that SmsCommitFilter also modifies the site database by adding machine filters to the database as queries.)
When your application creates a folder, it must call SmsCreateFolder to create the folder (within the application's memory), set the scalars for the new folder, call SmsLinkFolder to link the new folder to its parent (within the application's memory), and call SmsCommitFolder to write the folder to the site database.
When your application deletes a folder, it must call SmsUnlinkFolder to unlink the folder from its parent (within the application's memory) and call SmsCommitFolder to delete the folder from the site database.
Note Some types of folders require their parent folder to be committed. These folders are not written to the site database until their parent folders are committed. If a folder requires its parent to be committed, the SmsCommitFolder function returns SMS_PARENT_NEEDS_COMMIT.
The SmsCommitFolder function returns a status code SMS_STATUS. If successful, the function returns a status of SMS_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following manifest constants:
SmsCreateFolder, SmsLinkFolder, SmsUnlinkFolder