The SmsCommitFilter function causes the specified transient filter to be written to the site database.
SMS_STATUS SmsCommitFilter(
HANDLE hFilter, // Handle to filter to commit.
HANDLE hFContainer // Handle to filter container.
Note that the Name and Architecture scalars for the specified filter must be set before a persistent filter can be added to the site database by using SmsCommitFilter.
In addition, your application cannot commit filters that have already been committed.
The SmsCommitFilter function returns a status code SMS_STATUS. If successful, the function returns a status of SMS_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following manifest constants:
When a filter is written to the site database, it becomes a persistent filter. In the SMS Administrator, persistent filters are represented as queries.
Note that the filter must be of a type that supports persistence. Currently, only filters of the MACHINE_FILTER type support persistence.
Only transient filters can be committed—your application cannot commit filters that have already been committed.
In addition, before a transient filter can be written to the site database by using SmsCommitFilter, your application must set the following scalars for the filter: