
The SmsLinkFolder function links the specified folder to its parent (the parent is the container or folder within which the specified folder was created).

SMS_STATUS SmsLinkFolder(
  HANDLE hFolder  // Handle to folder to be linked to its parent.


Specifies the handle to the folder to link.

Return Values

The SmsLinkFolder function returns a status code SMS_STATUS. If successful, the function returns a status of SMS_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following manifest constants:

The specified folder is newly created and a folder with the same name already exists in the SMS database.
The specified folder handle is not a valid folder handle.
The specified folder contains one or more scalars that have not been set properly.
The specified folder has already been linked to the parent.
The handle to the parent folder or container that was used to create the current folder has already been closed and it is not possible to insert the child into it.


SmsLinkFolder inserts the specified folder at the beginning of the parent's folder list.

Note that linking a folder associates the folder to its parent only within the application's memory—the folder is not written to the site database. A new folder is not added to the site database until your application uses the SmsCommitFolder function to write the folder to the database.

See Also

SmsCommitFolder, SmsCreateFolder, SmsUnlinkFolder