Creating a Package for Share Package On Server Jobs

To create a package (F_PACKAGE) that can be used for Share Package On Server jobs (F_SRVINSTALLJOB), some scalars must have valid values (such as the Name scalar). Other scalars are optional (such as Comment) or are set and used only by the SMS system (such as Key and Server transfer file).

The Sharing package scalar is used to indicate whether the package is available for Share Package On Server jobs. The SMS API engine sets the Sharing package scalar when the package is created. The SMS API engine sets this scalar to TRUE if the package has the Server root and Share name scalars set. If the package will be used for network applications, your application must also create program item subfolders for each network application within the package.

Note that Required means that a valid value must be set. For more information about the range of valid values for a scalar, click on the scalar name in the following table. Your application is responsible for verifying that the value it sets for a scalar is valid.

For a package to be available for Share Package On Server jobs, the following scalars must be set:

Scalar name Data type Requirement
Name String Required.
Comment String Optional.
Sharing package Integer Required. The SMS API engine sets this scalar to TRUE if the package has the Server root and Share name scalars set.

When this scalar is set to TRUE, this package will be available for Share Package On Server jobs.

If this scalar is set to FALSE, this package will not be available for Share Package On Server jobs.

Server root String Required.
Share name String Required.
Share permissions Integer Required.