Inventory Rules Folder (F_INVENTORY)

An inventory rules folder contains the rules used to identify a package so that the SMS system can scan for the package on SMS computers.

In addition to the Inventory this package scalar, an inventory rules folder contains one or more tokens that represent the rule for collecting inventory on the package. An inventory rules folder must contain at least one expression token. In addition, a package folder can contain one and only one inventory rules folder.

Using the SMS API, your application can perform the following actions:

An inventory rules folder contains the following properties:

Property Value Description
Tag "Inventory Rules" String. A description of the folder type.
Folder type F_INVENTORY Integer. Folder type.
ID "Inventory rules" String. An inventory rules folder always uses "Inventory rules" as the ID.
Applied filters None
Immediate subfolders None Integer. Types of subfolders that the folder type can contain.
Number of scalars 1 Integer. Number of scalars for the folder type.

Note that an inventory rules folder also contains tokens that represent the rule for collecting inventory on a package.