Installing the SMS API Components

To use the SMS API, you need the following libraries and header files:

Dynamic-Link Libraries
The following DLLs are required for running an application that uses the SMS API:
DLL for the SMS API user functions.
DLL for the SMS API engine.

You must make sure that your application uses the correct version of the DLLs. Applications compiled for a particular version of the DLLs may not run with earlier versions. Additionally, the DLLs are matched to a particular minor version of the SMS base DLLs and will only run with that version of SMS. See DLL Version Checking for ISV Application Installation for details.

A version of both the SMS 1.1 and 1.2 SDK DLLs ship with this SDK. The SMS 1.2 SDK DLLs are located in the BIN or BIN\platform directory, where platform is the processor type of the computer—i386, Alpha, or MIPS. The SMS 1.1 SDK DLLs are located in a SMS 1.1 directory under BIN or BIN\platform.

Static Libraries
The following static libraries are required for building an application that uses the SMS API:
Static library for the SMS API user functions.
Static library for the SMS API engine.

The specific libraries for the platform of your computer are located in the \MSSDK\LIB\platform directory of the Microsoft® Platform SDK CD-ROM, where platform is the processor type of the computer—i386, Alpha, or MIPS.

Header Files
The following header files are required for building an application that uses the SMS API:
Header file for SMS API user functions.
Header file for SMS API engine functions.
Header file containing relational operators for filters.
Header file for manifest constants for SMS objects.

The header files are located in the \MSSDK\INCLUDE directory of the Platform SDK CD-ROM.