Sequential Processing of Domain Folders

The simplest method for retrieving machine folders from multiple domain folders is sequential processing. Your application processes each domain folder one at a time. This means that your application initializes, and waits for the retrieval of, all machine folders for a single domain folder before initializing another domain folder.

The following example populates a site container and retrieves the machines for each domain, one domain at a time.

// Function to display all domains and machine folders for all 
// sites in a site container.
// Function uses asynchronous population with
// event notification for every 10 machines
// that are retrieved.

SMS_STATUS EnumerateMachinesInSiteContainer(
    HANDLE hConnect)

// Open a site container.
HANDLE hSiteContainer;
stat = SmsOpenContainer( C_SITE,

// Create the notification event (auto-reset, non-signaled).
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
NOTIFY Notify;
Notify.dwFreq  = 10;  // Notify every 10 machines.
Notify.hEvent  = hEvent;
// Populate the container with no site filters to retrieve 
// a flat list of all sites in the site database.
stat = SmsPopulate( hSiteContainer, 
                    POP_ASYNC | POP_EVENT,
                    &Notify );

// Get count of folders in container.
DWORD totFolders;
SmsGetFolderCount( hSiteContainer, F_ANY, &totFolders );
printf("The site container has %d site folders.\n",
       totFolders );

HANDLE hSiteFolder;
HANDLE hDomainFolder;
HANDLE hMachineFolder;
DWORD dwSiteI;
DWORD dwDomainI;
DWORD dwMachineI;
DWORD totDFolders;
DWORD totMFolders;
DWORD fType;
DWORD dwRet;
char szfType[SMS_DATA_BUFF_SIZE];
char szFolderID[SMS_DATA_BUFF_SIZE];
// Open each site folder and process it.
// Note site folders are retrieved synchronously.
for (dwSiteI = 0; dwSiteI < totFolders; dwSiteI++) {
    stat = SmsGetNextFolder( hSiteContainer,
                             &hSiteFolder );
    if (stat != SMS_OK) {
        printf("SmsGetNextFolder failed for site container.\n");
        printf("Status code: %d\n", stat);
    // If site folder is retrieved, display the site name.
    SmsGetFolderID( hSiteFolder, szFolderID );
    SmsGetFolderType( hSiteFolder, &fType, szfType );
    printf("%s: \"%s\"\n", szfType, szFolderID);
    // Count how many domain folders.
    SmsGetFolderCount( hSiteFolder, F_DOMAIN, &totDFolders );
    // Retrieve the domain folders within the site folder.
    // Note domain folders are retrieved synchronously.
    for (dwDomainI = 0; dwDomainI < totDFolders; dwDomainI++) {
        stat = SmsGetNextFolder( hSiteFolder,
                                 &hDomainFolder );
        if (stat != SMS_OK) {
            printf("\tSmsGetNextFolder failed for site folder.\n");
            printf("\tStatus code: %d\n", stat);
        // If domain folder is retrieved, display the domain name.
        SmsGetFolderID( hDomainFolder, szFolderID );
        SmsGetFolderType( hDomainFolder, &fType, szfType );
        printf("\t%s: \"%s\"\n", szfType, szFolderID);
        // Trigger asynchronous retrieval for the domain folder
        // by calling SmsGetFolderCount for the domain folder.
        SmsGetFolderCount( hDomainFolder, 
                           &totMFolders );
        // Process machine folders as the number specified by
        // the frequency is retrieved
        // and print "." for progress.
        printf("\t\tRetrieving machines");
        while (1) {
            dwRet = WaitForSingleObject( Notify.hEvent, 1000 );
            if (dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
                printf("."); // Simple wait indication.
            SmsGetFolderCount( hDomainFolder, 
                               &totMFolders );
            printf("\n\t\tCurrently %d folders in %s.\n",
            // Retrieved at least Notify.dwFreq machines.
            // Retrieve the machine folders currently 
            // in the domain folder.
            for (dwMachineI = 0; dwMachineI < Notify.dwFreq;
             dwMachineI++) {
               stat = SmsGetNextFolder( hDomainFolder,
                                         &hMachineFolder );
               // If machine folder is retrieved, 
               // display the machine ID and type.
               if (stat == SMS_OK) {
                   SmsGetFolderID( hMachineFolder, szFolderID );
                   SmsGetFolderType( hMachineFolder, 
                                     szfType );
                   printf("\t\t%s: \"%s\"\n", szfType, szFolderID);
                   // Close the machine folder.
                   SmsCloseFolder( hMachineFolder );
               else if (stat == SMS_NO_MORE_DATA) {
                   // End of folder list break out of loop.
                   printf("\t\tEnd of folder list for domain.\n");
               else {
                   printf("\t\tSmsGetNextFolder failed for domain folder.\n");
                   printf("\t\tStatus code: %d\n", stat);
            // Check the status of retrieval.
            // If SMS_OK, then go back to wait for more folders.
            // If SMS_NO_MORE_DATA, then all machine folders in
            // the domain have already been processed
            // so the loop can be terminated.
            if (stat == SMS_OK) {
                printf("\t\tRetrieving more machines.\n");
            else if (stat == SMS_NO_MORE_DATA) {
                printf("\t\tNo more machines in domain\n");
            else {
                printf("\t\tSmsGetNextFolder failed: %d\n", stat);
                break;  // Exit machine folder retrieval loop
        // Close the Domain folder.
         SmsCloseFolder( hDomainFolder );
    // Close the Site folder.
    SmsCloseFolder( hSiteFolder );
return stat;
} /* EnumerateMachinesInSiteContainer */