System Job Folder Scalars

A system job folder contains a set of scalars that store information about the system job. System folder scalars have read-only access. Therefore, an application cannot set scalar values for a system job folder.

A system job folder has the following scalars:

Job ID
String. A unique identifier for the job. When a job is created, the SMS system assigns the job a unique Job ID based on the site code (first three characters) and a number (last five characters).
Job type
String. The type of job. There are three general types of system jobs:




Job comment
String. Text that indicates the specific type of system job and its action. For a list and description of each specific type of system job, see Types of System Jobs.
Activate time
Time. The time when you want SMS to activate the job.

The time specifies the date and time after which the Scheduler activates the job and begins sending the job to the target sites. Note that the Scheduler uses the SQL Server time to evaluate the activation time. Also note that this time is written directly to the site database, that is, no time zone conversion is done.

Left icon
String. A string that sets the left icon for the job in the Jobs window of the SMS Administrator.
Center icon
String. A string that sets the middle icon for the job in the Jobs window of the SMS Administrator.
Right icon
String. A string that sets the right icon for the job in the Jobs window of the SMS Administrator.
Integer. Priority setting that you want the job to have relative to other jobs when being sent to target sites.

The priority setting is used to ensure that higher priority jobs are sent before lower priority jobs. A High priority tells the Scheduler to send the job to a target site before any other jobs with lower priority.

For example, if a Sender is sending a Medium or Low priority job and the Sender detects a High priority job in one of its outboxes, the Sender will suspend the sending of the lower priority job and send the High priority job first. After the High priority job has completed, the Sender will resume sending the lower priority job that was suspended.

In addition, an outbox can be set to process all jobs, only higher priority jobs, or no jobs at specified days and times.

High has priority over Medium and Low; Medium has priority over Low.

Repeat mode
Integer. Interval at which the job is repeated.

The intervals range from Daily (every 24 hours after the Activate time) to Monthly. The interval is based on the SMS system time. A repeated job generates a new job each time that interval elapses.

Never. Perform the job once.
Daily. Repeat every 24 hours after the Activate time.
Weekly. Repeat every 7 days after the Activate time.
Biweekly. Repeat every 14 days after the Activate time.
Monthly. Repeat every month.
Cancel mode
Integer. When Cancel mode is set to JOBCANCEL_CANCEL, the SMS system attempts to cancel the job. All other values for this scalar have no effect.
Do not cancel the job.
Cancel the job.
Job status
Integer. Indicates the overall status of the job across all target sites. There are six overall job states:
Pending. Indicates that the job has not started and that the Scheduler is waiting to activate the job. When a job has this overall status, you can delete the job and prevent it from ever starting.
Active. Indicates that the Scheduler has started the job and that SMS is currently carrying out the job without errors. The job may be complete or may still be in progress at the target sites or computers.
Retrying. Indicates that the job has failed at some target sites or target computers; however, SMS continues to attempt to complete the job at those sites or computers. The job may be complete or may still be in progress at other target sites or computers.
Complete. Indicates that the job successfully completed its tasks at all target computers at all target sites. When a job has this overall status, you can delete the job because the system does no further processing on the job.
Canceled. Indicates that the job was successfully canceled at all target sites. When a job has this overall status, you can delete the job because the system does no further processing on the job.
Failed. Indicates that the job has failed at some or all target sites or target computers and that SMS has stopped trying to complete the job. The job may have completed successfully at some target sites or computers. You can note the job identifier and check the event log to determine why the job failed.
Sending status
Integer. Read-only access. Indicates the status for sending the job's package and instructions to all target sites:
Indicates that a Sender has not processed the job's send request (the Scheduler has not yet created a *.SRQ file).
Indicates that the send requests for the job have been placed in Sender outboxes but that the Senders have not started to send the job package and instructions to the target sites. The Senders may not have detected the send requests for the job yet.
Indicates that one or more Senders are in the process of sending the job package and instructions to the target sites (without errors), but have not completed.
Indicates that at least one Sender has failed at an attempt to send the job to a target site; however, the Senders continue to attempt to send the job to the sites. You can note the job identifier and check the event log to determine why the job failed.
Indicates that the Senders successfully sent the job package and instructions to all target sites.
Indicates that the job was successfully canceled before it was sent to the target sites.
Indicates that one or more Senders have failed to send the job to one or more target sites and that they have stopped trying to send the job to those sites.
Working status
Integer. Read-only access. Indicates the job's progress at all target sites:
Indicates that no target site has received the job package and instructions yet.
Indicates that one or more target sites have received the package and are in the process of carrying out the job at those sites (without errors), but have not completed.
Indicates that the job has failed at one or more target computers at the target sites; however, the site components continue to attempt to complete the job at the target computers.
Indicates that the job successfully completed at all target computers at all target sites.
Indicates that the job was successfully canceled at all computers at all target sites.
Indicates that the job has failed at some or all target computers at one or more target sites and that the site components have stopped trying to complete the job. The job may have completed successfully at some target computers. You can note the job identifier and check the event log to determine why the job failed.
Cancel status
Integer. Read-only access. Indicates how SMS has progressed in canceling the job:
Indicates that the job has not been canceled.
Indicates that the target sites have not received the instructions to cancel the job yet.
Indicates that one or more target sites have received the cancel instructions and are in the process of canceling the job at those sites (without errors), but have not completed the cancellation.
Indicates that the system has failed to cancel the job at some target computers at one or more target sites; however, the site components continue to attempt to cancel the job at those target computers.
Indicates that the job was successfully canceled at all target computers at all target sites.
Indicates that the system has failed to cancel the job at some target computers at one or more target sites and that the site components have stopped trying to cancel the job. The job may have completed successfully at some target computers. You can note the job identifier and check the event log to determine why the job failed.