Setting Scalars for Remove Package From Server Jobs

When your application creates a Remove Package From Server job (F_REMPKGJOB folder), some scalars (such as Activate time and Package type) must have valid values so that the job activates, sends, and completes successfully. Other scalars (such as Job comment) are optional or are used by the SMS system to report status (such as Job status) or other system information (such as Job ID and Cancel mode). Still other scalars must be set if another scalar is set to a certain value (for example, the Site limit name scalar must be set if Limit to sites is set to JOBTGT_SITEGROUP or JOBTGT_SITE).

This topic lists the scalars that must be set to create a valid Remove Package From Server job.

Note that Required means that a valid value must be set. For more information about the range of valid values for a scalar, click on the scalar name in the following table. Your application is responsible for verifying that the value it sets for a scalar is valid.

For F_REMPKGJOB folders, the following scalars must be set:

Scalar name Data type Requirement
Job comment String Optional.
Activate time Time Required.
Priority Integer Required.
Repeat mode Integer Required.
Package ID String Required.
Package type Integer Required.
Job tasks Integer Required.
Limit to sites Integer Required.
Include subsites Integer If Limit to sites is set to JOBTGT_SITEGROUP or JOBTGT_SITE, this scalar is required. Otherwise, it is not used.
Site limit name String If Limit to sites is set to JOBTGT_SITEGROUP or JOBTGT_SITE, this scalar is required. Otherwise, it is not used.
Distribution servers String If Job tasks is set to RMPKGJOB_TASKS_RM_SELECTED, this scalar is required. If this scalar is set to NULL, the Default Servers machine group will be used. Otherwise, it is not used.