The FLAGS Property Qualifier

Many times, the protocol takes a byte, word, or dword, and makes each bit mean something. For example, a flag byte might be defined like this:

Byte             Flags;
#define          FLAGS_Dynamic_Tracking          0x01
#define          FLAGS_Effective_Only            0x02

where the variable FLAGS is allowed to take on the value:

Flags = FLAGS_Dynamic_Tracking | FLAGS_Effective_Only.

If you need to specify a different string for both the on and off case, then use the FLAGS data type.

First, define the SET for the property:

LABELED_BIT NTCreateSecurityFlagsFLAGS[] =
{   {  0,      // 0 bit = SMB_SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING,
      "dynamic tracking bit not set",
      "dynamic tracking"

    {   1,      // 1th bit = SMB_SECURITY_EFFECTIVE_ONLY,
     "effective only bit not set",
      "Effective only"

SET NTCreateSecurityFlagsFLAGSET =

Next, define the property (note that this is a piece of a larger property table):

  { 0,0,
  "Security Flags Dynamic Tracking",
  "Specifies the security flags on the request",
  60 * 2,
  FormatPropertyInstance },

Note that this property uses the generic property formatter called FormatPropertyInstance, which takes a property and formats it.

Important In the preceding example, the PROPERTYINFO for the qualifier FLAGS must include text-formatting space for all of the lines of text. The 60 * 2 line shows two lines, 60 columns each. You must include in this estimate the space needed to format the bits. For example, if you have a LABELED_BIT on a BYTE, with a string of "My String", then the formatting is going to look something like "......1. = My String" and the length would be 11 characters plus the length of the string itself ("My String").

Next, at attach time, the property instance is added:

// File Create Security Flags flag set
  &reqptr->SecurityFlags,    // ptr to data
  SMBcreateX,        // Help ID
  PL_COMMAND+1,        // level
  0);          // error

The generic formatter will take this and build a multSZ string, where each string entry is separated by a \0 and the last entry ends with a double \0.