Before messages can flow across a connection, the connection must be established, or opened. This is necessary because a partner (P1) does not initially know the LPI address of the partner with which it wishes to communicate; indeed, there may not even be a suitable partner for it to communicate with.
A component of the Base, known as the Resource Locator, and a message with type of Open, known as an Open message, are used to establish a connection between partners.
The following procedure outlines how a connection is established. More specific information is available in The Function Management Interface.
P1 fills in an Open request and calls the Base with it. Since it does not know the LPI address of its partner, it sets the destination LPI values to zero.
Note that the terms "source" and "destination" in the context of LPIs refer to the source and destination of the particular message. Hence, when the 3270 emulator builds a message to send to the local 2.1 node, it needs to swap the source and destination LPIs received on the Open response from the local 2.1 node.
For a detailed example of how LPI addresses are assigned during initialization of the SSCP and PLU sessions, see Opening the PLU Connection.