Response Time Monitor Data

For a 3270 display application, the local node maintains statistics on host response times—the time it takes the host to respond after the 3270 user presses ENTER or an AID key to send data to the host. These statistics can then be sent to the host for analysis.

The Status-RTM message, sent by the local node to the application, informs the application of the Response Time Monitor parameters specified by the host (see RTM Parameters for more information). These parameters specify whether RTM data is to be collected, whether the application is permitted to display RTM statistics locally, the time boundaries by which response times are to be grouped, and the definition of response time. The time can be measured until the first character of the host response reaches the screen, until the keyboard is unlocked, or until the user can send further data (CD or EB received by the application).

If the host specifies that response times are to be measured for this session, the application is responsible for measuring response times and for reporting them to the local node. This involves:

If the application wishes to provide a local display of RTM data, it is responsible for maintaining its own response time statistics. It should use the same definition and boundaries as those specified on the Status-RTM message to ensure that the local data matches the data sent to the host by the local node. Note that the Status-RTM message can indicate that a local display of response times is not permitted; in this case, the application should not display either the response times or the LTTI.