The Status-Error message is used to report "request reject" and "RH usage" error conditions in outbound SNA RUs to the application. It flows from the node to the application and is used with both SSCP and PLU connections.
See Status-Error Message for further information.
struct Status-Error {
PTRBFHDR nxtqptr;
PTRBFELT hdreptr;
CHAR numelts;
CHAR msgtype;
CHAR srcl;
CHAR srcp;
CHAR destl;
CHAR destp;
INTEGER desti;
CHAR sfhdr.sterrhdr.errstat;
CHAR sfhdr.sterrhdr.errpad1;
CHAR sfhdr.sterrhdr.errpad2;
CHAR sfhdr.sterrhdr.errpad3;
CHAR sfhdr.sterrhdr.errcode1;
CHAR sfhdr.sterrhdr.errcode2;