Data messages carry both inbound and outbound data between the application and the local node on all three connections. See Data Flow for a detailed description of outbound and inbound data flows.
The Data message flows from the node to the application and from the application to the node. It is used with both the SSCP and the PLU connections.
struct Data {
PTRBFHDR nxtqptr;
PTRBFELT hdreptr;
CHAR numelts;
CHAR msgtype;
CHAR srcl;
CHAR srcp;
CHAR destl;
CHAR destp;
INTEGER desti;
CHAR dfhdr.fhackrqd;
CHAR dfhdr.fhpad1;
INTEGER dfhdr.fhmsgkey;
CHAR dfhdr.fhflags1;
CHAR dfhdr.fhflags2;
INTEGER dfhdr.fhpad2;
INTEGER dfhdr.fhpad3;
INTEGER dfhdr.fhseqno;
struct Data {
PTRBFELT hdreptr->elteptr;
INTEGER hdreptr->startd;
INTEGER hdreptr->endd;
CHAR hdreptr->trpad;
CHAR[268] hdreptr->dataru;
ACKREQ (0x01)
Non-LUA: 13, or 10 for second and subsequent segments of outbound segmented RUs.
LUA, inbound data: 4 in first element, 13 in subsequent elements.