Error Codes for Nack-2 Messages

The possible error codes delivered to the FMI application on Status-Acknowledge(Nack-2) and Status-Control(...) Negative Acknowledge-2 messages are tabulated below. A Nack-2 is delivered to the application in response to data that is sent in error (or a Status-Control(...) Request that is in error). The data has not been sent to the host. The table indicates whether the error is critical or not (applying to the PLU connection only); if the error is critical, the critical failure indicator will be set in the message, and the application will receive a Close(PLU) Request as the next message.

All Nack-2 messages have the second word of information as 0x0000.

Error /
Sense code
0x0040 YES No buffer element on DATAFMI message.
0x0042 YES DATAFMI message sent when no credit.
0x0043 YES Invalid status-control for TS profile.
0x0044 YES Invalid status-control from application.
0x004A YES HDX contention and -QR,-BB,EB, or BKTFSM in pending-term-session.
0x0809 YES Mode inconsistency.
0x1002 YES RU length error.
0x1003 YES Function not supported, invalid FM profile.
0x2002 NO Chaining error.
0x2003 NO Bracket error.
0x2004 NO Direction error
0x2005 YES Data traffic reset.
0x2006 YES Data traffic quiesced.
0x200D YES Response owed before sending request (half-duplex).
0x4003 YES BB not allowed.
0x4004 YES EB not allowed.
0x4006 YES Exception response not allowed.
0x4007 YES Definite response not allowed.
0x4009 YES CD not allowed.
0x400A YES No-response not allowed.
0x400B YES Chaining not supported.
0x400C YES Brackets not supported.
0x400D YES CD not supported.
0x400F YES Incorrect use of FI.
0x4014 YES Incorrect use of DR1, DR2, ER.
0x8005 NO SSCP data sent when LU inactive.