Error and Sense Codes

This section describes the error and sense codes that are reported to the application in the following messages:

Where the reported codes are SNA sense codes, a more complete description is given in Chapter 8 of the IBM document Systems Network Architecture: Reference Summary (GA27-3136). These SNA sense codes are also documented in the separate SNA Formats online Help file provided with Microsoft® SNA Server.

In addition, the local node delivers negative responses from the host as Status-Acknowledge(Nack-1) and Status-Control(...) Negative-Acknowledge-1, which can have any SNA sense codes.

Application designers should note that error codes listed here that are specific to SNA Server always have an initial byte of value 0x00, and therefore can be easily distinguished from SNA sense codes, which have nonzero initial bytes.

The error codes are listed in topics for each type of message with an indication of the reason for the error.