Options for Logging

There are two ways in which an application can write messages to the SNA Server log files:

Both of these options use log message files formatted with the OS/2 utility MKMSGF. A log message file contains a set of messages that are referenced by a message number. If a component wishes to log an error, it specifies the appropriate message number to extract the text from the message file, rather than including the message text within the component.

SNA Server has one message file that is used for all its error and audit logging. The messages in this file are available for both of the preceding options. See the Microsoft SNA Server Reference for a list of all the SNA Server error and audit log messages and their meanings.

If extra messages are required, there are two options:

It is recommended that you use the SNA Server logging macros (with the SNA Server emulator log messages if a suitable message is available, or with the generic messages COM0393 and COM0394) rather than the LOG_MESSAGE verb. LOG_MESSAGE does not provide control over the severity level at which messages are logged (all messages are logged at level 12 in the error log file); it is primarily intended for user applications such as APPC TPs.

The following topics explain the use of the SNA Server logging macros and the LOG_MESSAGE common service verb.