ADO Property Support Summary

The following table summarizes the ADO version 1.5 object properties that are supported by the current version of the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM.

ADO object Property Support
Command ActiveConnection Yes
CommandText Yes
CommandTimeout No
CommandType Yes
Name Yes
Prepared No
State Yes
Connection Attributes No
CommandTimeout No
ConnectionString Yes
ConnectionTimeout No
CursorLocation Yes. Only server-side CursorLocation is supported, but no error is returned.
DefaultDatabase No
IsolationLevel No
Mode Yes
Provider Yes
State Yes
Version Yes
Error Description Yes
HelpContext No
HelpFile No
NativeError Yes
Number Yes
Source Yes
SQLState No
Field ActualSize Yes
Attributes Yes
DefinedSize Yes
Name Yes
NumericScale Yes
OriginalValue Yes
Precision Yes
Type Yes
UnderlyingValue Yes
Value Yes
Parameter Attributes No
Direction No
Name No
NumericScale No
Precision No
Size No
Type No
Value No
Recordset AbsolutePage No
AbsolutePosition No
ActiveConnection Yes
Bookmark Yes
CacheSize Yes
CursorLocation Yes
CursorType Yes
EditMode Yes
Filter Yes
Locktype Yes
MarshallOptions No
MaxRecords No
PageCount No
PageSize No
RecordCount No
Sort Yes
Source Yes
State Yes
Status Yes