Arranging TPs Within an SNA Network

If your SNA Server installation contains multiple systems (clients and/or SNA servers), you can place a given invokable TP on more than one system. When an invoking request is received in such an installation, there can be a choice of systems on which to run the invokable TP. You can maintain specific control over this choice; alternatively, by following the instructions in TP Name Not Unique; Local LU Alias Unspecified, you can allow SNA Server to make the choice randomly to distribute the load.

You can maintain specific control over the choice of system by setting up invokable TPs with unique names, or by setting up each invokable TP to run only with a specific, unique LU alias. With this arrangement, the information provided by the invoking TP (in the ALLOCATE or MC_ALLOCATE verb) specifies the system on which the invokable TP should run.

You can allow SNA Server to make the system choice randomly by setting the DloadMatchLocalFirst registry entry to NO, as described in the Microsoft SNA Server Reference, and using invokable TPs that leave the local LU alias unspecified. Then, when an incoming request is received, it is routed randomly, rather than preferentially to the local SNA server; in addition, no matter what LU alias is requested for the invokable TP, there cannot be a mismatch. SNA Server starts one instance of the requested TP, choosing randomly among the available systems.

The following topics describe some of the possible arrangements that can be made for running TPs.