SYNCPT Verb Issued Remotely


  1. The local TP issues a RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb (depending on whether a basic or mapped conversation is being used) to receive data from the remote transaction program. The vendor API passes the verb transparently to SNA Server.
  2. The RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb completes with what_rcvd = AP_PS_HEADER. The data buffer contains a PREPARE PS header.
  3. Another RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb is issued by the vendor API to receive the send indication from the remote TP.
  4. The vendor API returns the transaction program's RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb with the what_rcvd field of the VCB set to TAKE_SYNCPT.
  5. The transaction program issues a SYNCPT verb.
  6. The vendor API generates a REQUEST_COMMIT PS header and transmits it using a SEND_DATA or MC_SEND_DATA verb. If the conversation is mapped, the MC_SEND_DATA verb is issued with the data_type field of the VCB set to AP_PS_HEADER.
  7. The vendor API then issues a RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb to give the remote TP direction to send.
  8. The RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb completes with the what_rcvd field of the VCB set to AP_PS_HEADER. The data buffer contains a COMMITTED PS header.
  9. Another RECEIVE_AND_WAIT or MC_RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb is issued to get permission to send.
  10. A FORGET PS header is prepared and sent to the remote transaction program.
  11. The FORGET is flushed and direction given to the remote transaction program by issuing a PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE or MC_PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE with the ptr_type field of the VCB set to AP_FLUSH.
  12. When the PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE or MC_PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE verb completes, the vendor API returns the SYNCPT verb to the local transaction program.