Translating SNA Service TP Names to ASCII for SNA.INI

For SNA service TPs on SNA Server clients running OS/2, the line naming the TP in the SNA.INI file must specify the TP name in ASCII. The following paragraphs tell how to convert a TP name to this form. The line should be placed in the [SNAServerAutoTPs] section of the file, as shown in Clients Running OS/2.

An SNA service TP name is normally up to four bytes in length; the first byte is a hexadecimal number in the range 0x00 to 0x3F, and the remaining bytes are EBCDIC characters. The first byte defines the function class of the TP. Therefore, to convert a service TP name to an ASCII form, convert the first byte as shown in the following table, and convert the EBCDIC values to ASCII letter equivalents.

First byte of TP name (hexadecimal number)
ASCII character equivalent for SNA.INI
0x07 DDM
0x20 DIA
0x21 SNAD
0x24 FS
0x30 PO
All others UN

For example, a service TP name of 0x21 0xD7 0xD7 is equivalent to SNADPP (0x21 converts to SNAD and each 0xD7 converts to P).