
The GetAppcReturnCode function converts the primary and secondary return codes in the verb control block to a printable string. This function provides a standard set of error strings for use by APPC applications such as 5250 emulators.

int WINAPI GetAppcReturnCode(
struct appc_hdr FAR *
UINT buffer_length,
unsigned char FAR * buffer_addr


Supplied parameter. Specifies the address of the verb control block.
Supplied parameter. Specifies the length of the buffer pointed to by buffer_addr. The recommended length is 256.
Supplied parameter. Specifies the address of the buffer that will hold the formatted, null-terminated string.

Return Values

The GetAppcReturnCode function returns a positive value on success that indicates the length of the error string passed back in buffer_addr.

A return value of zero indicates an error. On Microsoft® Windows NT® and Microsoft® Windows® 95, a call to GetLastError provides the actual error return code as follows:

The parameters are invalid; the function could not read from the specified verb control block or could not write to the specified buffer.
The specified buffer is too small.
The APPC string library APPCSTR.DLL (for Windows) or APPCST32.DLL (for Windows NT and Windows 95) could not be loaded.


The descriptive error string returned in buffer_addr does not terminate with a new line character (\n).

The descriptive error strings are contained in APPCSTR.DLL (for Windows version 3.x) or APPCST32.DLL (for Windows NT and Windows 95) and can be customized for different languages.