Sending Data

The following calls are used to send data to the partner program.

Confirm (cmcfm)
Sends the contents of the local LU's send buffer and a confirmation request to the partner program and waits for confirmation.
Flush (cmflus)
Sends the contents of the local LU's send buffer to the partner LU (and partner program). If the send buffer is empty, no action takes place.
Prepare_To_Receive (cmptr)
Changes the state of the conversation for the local program from SEND to RECEIVE, making it possible for the local program to begin receiving data. Before changing the conversation state, this call performs the equivalent of the Flush or Confirm call.
Request_To_Send (cmrts)
Notifies the partner program that the local program wants to send data. The partner program may or may not act on this request.
Send_Data (cmsend)
Puts data in the local LU's send buffer for transmission to the partner program. The data collected in the local LU's send buffer is transmitted to the partner LU (and partner program) when one of the following occurs:
Set_Prepare_To_Receive_Type (cmsptr)
Sets the conversation's prepare-to-receive type, which specifies whether subsequent Prepare_To_Receive calls will include Flush or Confirm functionality. The prepare-to-receive type affects all subsequent Prepare_To_Receive calls. It can be changed by reissuing Set_Prepare_To_Receive_Type.
Set_Send_Type (cmsst)
Sets the conversation's send type. The send type specifies how data will be sent by Send_Data. The send type can specify that only data be sent or that, in addition to sending data, CPI-C execute the equivalent of Flush, Confirm, Prepare_To_Receive, or Deallocate. The send type value affects all subsequent Send_Data calls. It can be changed by reissuing Set_Send_Type.