This implementation of CPI-C is available to programs written in Microsoft® C version 5.1 or later.
The WINCPIC.H header file defines the prototypes for each CPI-C function. Other definitions include:
To use CPI-C calls, the C program must include WINCPIC.H and declare the variables to be used in passing parameters on CPI-C calls. Note that you must define WINDOWS, WIN32 or DOS5 before including WINCPIC.H. For example:
Windows 3.x clients:
#define WINDOWS
#include <wincpic.h>
OS/2 clients:
#define DOS5
#include <wincpic.h>
Windows NT and Windows 95 clients:
#define WIN32
#include <wincpic.h>
In the case of strings, the program must also determine the desired string length.