Subcategories for Invokable TPs

The following figure shows subcategories for invokable TPs.

The concept of a TP "running as a service" or "running as an application" is distinct from a service TP or an application TP. Service TP and application TP are SNA terms that describe how a TP is used: either as a supportive service program for other CPI-C programs, or directly by a user, as an application. For detailed information about Windows NT-based services, see the documentation for Windows NT and the Microsoft® Platform Software Development Kit (SDK).

To write an autostarted TP so it will run under Windows NT as a service and also run in a nonqueued way, write a multithreaded program with an Accept_Conversation always outstanding. See Invokable TPs.

To run an autostarted TP as an application under Windows NT or Windows 95, make sure the TPSTART program is always started before the TP. See Sample CPI-C TPs in the SDK.