The Set_Fill call (function name cmsf) specifies whether programs will receive data in the form of logical records or as a specified length of data. This call is allowed only in basic conversations.
CM_ENTRY Set_Fill(
unsigned char FAR *conversation_ID,
CM_INT32 FAR *fill,
CM_INT32 FAR *return_code
Supplied parameter. Specifies the identifier for the conversation. The value of this parameter was returned by Initialize_Conversation or Accept_Conversation.
Supplied parameter. Specifies the form in which programs will receive data. The following are possible choices:
The local program receives data until the number of bytes specified by the requested_length parameter of the Receive call is reached or until the end of the data. Data is received without regard for the logical-record format.
Data is received in logical-record format. The data received can be a complete logical record, a portion of a logical record equal to the requested_length parameter of the Receive call, or the end of a logical record.
The code returned from this call. The valid return codes are listed below.
Return Codes
Primary return code; the call executed successfully.
Primary return code; one of the following occurred:
The value specified by conversation_ID or fill is invalid.
The current conversation is mapped.
Primary return code; a product-specific error occurred and has been logged in the product's error log.
State Changes
The conversation can be in any state except RESET.
There is no state change.
Set_Fill overrides the default fill established by Initialize_Conversation or Accept_Conversation. The default fill is CM_FILL_LL.
The fill value affects all subsequent Receive calls. It can be changed by reissuing the Set_Fill call.