The sample code for these two TPs provides the ability to execute commands on a remote computer and to send the output back across the connection to the invoking TP.


    To set up AREXEC and AREXECD
  1. Create an appropriate APPC LU-LU-mode triplet.
  2. Set up a CPI-C symbolic destination name that contains the configured remote LU and mode. (The TP name for AREXECD is AREXECD.)
  3. Assign the local APPC LU to the AREXEC TP, either by using a registry entry of AREXEC:REG_SZ:LocalLUAlias in the SnaBase\Parameters\Clients key, or by assigning the local LU as the default local APPC LU for the user who will run AREXEC.

Input and Output

AREXEC is a console application. The syntax of its command line is

arexec [-mmode] [-ttpname] destination command


Specifies the mode name. The default is #INTER.
Specifies the TP name.
Specifies the destination. Can be either a symbolic destination name or a partner LU name.
Specifies the command string to execute on the remote computer.

The stdout and stderr from the command executed at the remote end is sent across the link and printed to stdout on the invoking end.


The AREXECD program is a Windows NT service, with the same routines as in APING, APINGD and multithreaded APINGD. The execution of the command and sending back of data are done in the routine execute_and_send_output in CPICPORT.C. It creates a named pipe and connects to the read end of the pipe. It then creates a process to run the command and gives that process a handle to the write end of the pipe as its stdout and stderr. Then the data is read from the pipe, and Send_Data is used to send it across the link.