TPSETUP is a program that simplifies the setting of registry or environment variables needed by autostarted invokable TPs. Without an interface like that provided by TPSETUP, configuring such variables can be complicated and prone to errors. Therefore, it is recommended that you use code like TPSETUP in installation programs for autostarted invokable TPs.
INSTALL.C, the source code for TPSETUP, can be compiled to work either in the Windows NT and Windows 95 environment or in the Windows version 3.x environment. TPSETUP has been constructed so that the program responds correctly in each environment.
For clients running Windows NT, it is recommended that autostarted invokable TPs be written as Windows NT services. For the installation program for such TPs, study the code in INSTALL.C. For example, use the CreateService function or similar code when installing a TP that will run as a service under Windows NT. (For important information about how services work under Windows NT, see the documentation for Windows NT and for Win32®.)