Sample CPI-C TPs in the SDK

This section describes the CPI-C TP samples in the Microsoft® SNA Server SDK. The samples are located in the \SDK\SAMPLES directory on the SNA Server CD-ROM.

Sample TP program Description
APING and APINGD A simple test for end-to-end connectivity. This sample is located in the \SDK\SAMPLES\APING subdirectory on the CD-ROM.
Multithreaded APINGD Multithreaded connectivity tester that illustrates nonqueued behavior in Microsoft® Windows NT® and Microsoft® Windows® 95. This sample is located in the \SDK\SAMPLES\MPING subdirectory on the CD-ROM.
CPI-C Send and Receive TPs Simple CPI-C TPs that illustrate the use of asynchronous CPI-C calls. This sample is located in the \SDK\SAMPLES\CPIC subdirectory on the CD-ROM.
AREXEC and AREXECD TPs that execute commands on a remote computer and send the output back across the connection. This sample is located in the \SDK\SAMPLES\AREXEC subdirectory on the CD-ROM.
AREMOTE A sample client and server program using APPC that allows you to invoke and control a text-mode program from another computer. This sample is a rewrite using APPC of a Win32® sample program that originally used named pipes.

In addition to the TPs, the following supplemental programs are included on the SNA Server CD-ROM.

Supplemental program Description
TPSETUP A sample installation program, demonstrating an interface that assists in configuring autostarted invokable TPs. This sample is located in the \SDK\SAMPLES\TPSETUP subdirectory on the CD-ROM.
TPSTART A program required for the automatic startup of invokable TPs that run as applications under Microsoft® Windows NT®. TPSTART is not required if the TP has been written as a Windows NT service. TPSTART is also unnecessary under Windows 95. TPSTART is installed by SNA Server Setup in the SYSTEM subdirectory of the SNA Server root directory. This sample is located in the \SDK\SAMPLES\TPSTART subdirectory on the CD-ROM.