Equates and Structure Layouts

Many standard operating system device driver error codes are used (for example, "invalid function"), together with a new set of device driver-specific errors. Return codes below 0x80 reflect serious failures.

/* Copyright Data Connection Ltd. 1989 */_
/* Link Device Driver interface constants and structures. */
/* WIN32  16/04/92  SW   Added more helpful names from WIN32 hdr file        */
/* IHV    03/06/92  MF2  Add semfisui.h                                      */

/* This include file is used in 5 subsystems                   */
/*                                                             */
/* - the NT   driver                         LINK_NTDRIVER     */
/* - the X25  link service for NT            LINK_NTX25        */
/* - the SDLC link service for NT            LINK_NTSDLC       */
/* - the X25  link service for OS/2          LINK_OS2X25       */
/* - the SDLC link service for OS/2          LINK_OS2SDLC      */
/*                                                             */
/* (The OS/2 driver doesn't count because it is in assembler). */
/*                                                             */
/* These are distinguished by #defines as set in the following */
/*                                                             */

#ifdef        IMADRIVER
  #define     LINK_NTDRIVER
  #ifdef      SDLC
    #ifdef    WIN32
      #define LINK_NTSDLC
      #define LINK_OS2SDLC
    #ifdef    WIN32
      #define LINK_NTX25
      #define LINK_OS2X25
/* Device function codes for DosDevIOCtl to link device driver               */
#ifdef WIN32                /* WIN32 constants defined in semfisui.h         */
#define IoctlCodeSetEvent               0x410
#define IoctlCodeSetLinkChar            0x420
#define IoctlCodeSetV24                 0x430
#define IoctlCodeTxFrame                0x440
#define IoctlCodeAbortTransmit          0x450
#define IoctlCodeAbortReceiver          0x460
#define IoctlCodeSetInterfaceRecord     0x610 /*IRMdl?*/
#define IoctlCodeGetV24                 0x623
#define IoctlCodeRxFrame                0x633
#define IoctlCodeReadInterfaceRecord    0x643   /*IRMdl?*/
//obsolete names from previous version
//#define CELDDSSH 0x41       /* Set Semaphore Handle                          */
//#define CELDDSLC 0x42       /* Set Link Characteristics                      */
//#define CELDDSVS 0x43       /* Set V24 Output status                         */
//#define CELDDTXF 0x44       /* Transmit a frame of data                      */
//#define CELDDATX 0x45       /* Abort Transmitter                             */
//#define CELDDARX 0x46       /* Abort Receiver                                */
//#define CELDDGIR 0x61       /* Get Interface Record Address                  */
//#define CELDDGVS 0x62       /* Get V24 Input Status                          */
//#define CELDDRXF 0x63       /* Receive a frame of data                       */
//#define CELDDCAT 0x82       /* Device function category code                 */
// new names

#define IoctlCodeSetEvent               0x41
#define IoctlCodeSetLinkChar            0x42
#define IoctlCodeSetV24                 0x43
#define IoctlCodeTxFrame                0x44
#define IoctlCodeAbortTransmit          0x45
#define IoctlCodeAbortReceiver          0x46
#define IoctlCodeSetInterfaceRecord     0x61
#define IoctlCodeGetV24                 0x62
#define IoctlCodeRxFrame                0x63


/* Constants for the driver-specific IOCtl return codes.                     */
#define CEDNODMA 0xff80     /* Warning (NO DMA!) from set link chrctrstcs    */
/* Equates for the link options byte 1.                                      */
#define CEL4WIRE 0x80
#define CELNRZI  0x40
#define CELPDPLX 0x20
#define CELSDPLX 0x10
#define CELCLOCK 0x08
#define CELDSRS  0x04
#define CELSTNBY 0x02
#define CELDMA   0x01

/* Equates for the driver set link characteristics byte 1.                   */
#define CED4WIRE 0x80
#define CEDNRZI  0x40
#define CEDHDLC  0x20
#define CEDFDPLX 0x10
#define CEDCLOCK 0x08
#define CEDDMA   0x04
#define CEDRSTAT 0x02
#define CEDCSTAT 0x01

/* Nicer names for NT-style code */

#define LinkOption_4Wire           CED4WIRE
#define LinkOption_NRZI            CEDNRZI
#define LinkOption_HDLC            CEDHDLC
#define LinkOption_FullDuplex      CEDFDPLX
#define LinkOption_InternalClock   CEDCLOCK
#define LinkOption_DMA             CEDDMA
#define LinkOption_ResetStatistics CEDRSTAT

/* Equates for the output V24 interface flags.                               */
#define CED24RTS 0x01
#define CED24DTR 0x02
#define CED24DRS 0x04
#define CED24SLS 0x08
#define CED24TST 0x10

/* Nicer names for NT-style code */

#define IR_OV24RTS  CED24RTS
#define IR_OV24DTR  CED24DTR
#define IR_OV24DSRS CED24DRS
#define IR_OV24SlSt CED24SLS
#define IR_OV24Test CED24TST

/* Equates for the input V24 interface flags.                                */
#define CED24CTS 0x01
#define CED24DSR 0x02
#define CED24DCD 0x04
#define CED24RI  0x08

/* Nicer names for NT-style code */

#define IR_IV24CTS  CED24CTS
#define IR_IV24DSR  CED24DSR
#define IR_IV24DCD  CED24DCD
#define IR_IV24RI   CED24RI
#define IR_IV24Test 0x10

/* Structure for the device driver interface record.                         */

#define CEDSTCRC  0         /* Frames received with incorrect CRC            */
#define CEDSTOFL  1         /* Frames received longer than the maximum       */
#define CEDSTUFL  2         /* Frames received less than 4 octets long       */
#define CEDSTSPR  3         /* Frames received ending on a non-octet bndry   */
#define CEDSTABT  4         /* Aborted frames received                       */
#define CEDSTTXU  5         /* Transmitter interrupt underruns               */
#define CEDSTRXO  6         /* Receiver    interrupt overruns                */
#define CEDSTDCD  7         /* DCD (RLSD) lost during frame reception        */
#define CEDSTCTS  8         /* CTS lost while transmitting                   */
#define CEDSTDSR  9         /* DSR drops                                     */
#define CEDSTHDW 10         /* Hardware failures - adapter errors            */

#define CEDSTMAX 11

#define SA_CRC_Error       CEDSTCRC
#define SA_RxFrameTooBig   CEDSTOFL
#define SA_RxFrameTooShort CEDSTUFL
#define SA_Spare           CEDSTSPR
#define SA_RxAbort         CEDSTABT
#define SA_TxUnderrun      CEDSTTXU
#define SA_RxOverrun       CEDSTRXO
#define SA_DCDDrop         CEDSTDCD
#define SA_CTSDrop         CEDSTCTS
#define SA_DSRDrop         CEDSTDSR
#define SA_HardwareError   CEDSTHDW  /* e.g. CmdBufferFull not set  */

#define SA_Max_Stat        CEDSTMAX

#ifdef WIN32

typedef struct         _INTERFACE_RECORD
  int                   RxFrameCount;   /* incremented after each frame rx'd */
  int                   TxMaxFrSizeNow; /* max available frame size av. now  */
                                        /* (changes after each Tx DevIoctl   */
                                        /* to DD or after Tx completed)      */
  int                   StatusCount;    /* How many status events have been  */
                                        /* triggered.                        */
  UCHAR                 V24In;          /* Last 'getv24i/f' value got        */
  UCHAR                 V24Out;         /* Last 'setv24 outputs' value set   */

/*       The values for the indexes into the link statistics array of the */
/*       various types of statistic. */

  int                   StatusArray[SA_Max_Stat];

}                       IR,
                     * PIR;

typedef struct teifrec {

        USHORT    RxFrameCount;
        USHORT    TxMaxFrSizeNow;
        USHORT    StatusCount;
        UCHAR     V24In;
        UCHAR     V24Out;
        USHORT    StatusArray[CEDSTMAX];


typedef TEIFREC far * TEIFRPTR;

/* Structure for the set link characteristics parameter block.               */

#ifdef WIN32
typedef struct  _SLPARMS
        int     SLFrameSize;            /* max frame size on link - must be  */
                                        /* in range 270 to ?2K-ish           */
        LONG    SLDataRate;             /* not used by us - external clocks  */
        UCHAR   SLOurAddress1;          /* ) e.g C1/FF or 00/00 or 01/03     */
        UCHAR   SLOurAddress2;          /* )                                 */
        UCHAR   SLLinkOptionsByte;      /* see documentation & LinkOption_*  */
        UCHAR   SLSpare1;

typedef struct teslcrec {

        USHORT  SLFrameSize;
        ULONG   SLDataRate;
        UCHAR   SLOurAddress1;
        UCHAR   SLOurAddress2;
        UCHAR   SLLinkOptionsByte;
        UCHAR   SLSpare1;



/* DEVICEIOCTL macros                                                        */
#ifdef WIN32
/* NT_SUCCESS ripped of from DDK's ntdef.h, which we do not want to include  */
/* for now temporarily (12/5/92)                                             */
#define NT_SUCCESS(Status) ((NTSTATUS)(Status) >= 0)

#define SETEVENTHANDLE(H) NtDeviceIoControlFile(                   \
                seldrvrh,                   \
                H,                          \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                &IoStatus,                  \
                IoctlCodeSetEvent,          \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                0L,                         \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                0L                          \

#define SETINTERFACERECORD(R) NtDeviceIoControlFile(   \
                seldrvrh,                   \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                &IoStatus,                  \
                IoctlCodeSetInterfaceRecord,           \
                &R,                         \
                sizeof(R),                  \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                0L                          \

#define SETV24STATUS NtDeviceIoControlFile(            \
                seldrvrh,                   \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                &IoStatus,                  \
                IoctlCodeSetV24,            \
                NULL,             \
                0L,                         \
                &pInterfaceRecord->V24Out,  \
                1L                          \

/* The above change is temporary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/

#define GETV24STATUS NtDeviceIoControlFile(   \
                  seldrvrh,                   \
                  ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                  ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                  ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                  &IoStatus,                  \
                  IoctlCodeGetV24,            \
                  ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                  0L,                         \
                  ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                  0L                          \

#define SETLINKCHARACTERISTICS(A) NtDeviceIoControlFile(      \
                seldrvrh,                   \
                NULL,                       \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                &IoStatus,                  \
                IoctlCodeSetLinkChar,       \
                &A,                         \
                sizeof(A),                  \
                ( PVOID ) NULL,             \
                0L                          \

#define TRANSMITFRAME(A,B) NtDeviceIoControlFile(             \
                 seldrvrh,                 \
                 NULL,                     \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,           \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,           \
                 &IoStatus,                \
                 IoctlCodeTxFrame,         \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,           \
                 0L,                       \
                 A,                        \
                 B                         \

#define RECEIVEFRAME(A,B) NtDeviceIoControlFile(              \
                 seldrvrh,             \
                 NULL,                 \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,       \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,       \
                 &IoStatus,            \
                 IoctlCodeRxFrame,     \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,       \
                 0L,                   \
                 A,                    \
                 B                     \

#define READINTERFACERECORD NtDeviceIoControlFile( \
                 seldrvrh,             \
                 NULL,                 \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,       \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,       \
                 &IoStatus,            \
                 IoctlCodeReadInterfaceRecord, \
                 ( PVOID ) NULL,       \
                 0L,                   \
                 &InterfaceRecord,     \
                 sizeof(InterfaceRecord) \

#define NT_SUCCESS(R) ((R) == 0)

#define SETEVENTHANDLE(H)  DosDevIOCtl(NULL,           \
                   &H,                                 \
                   IoctlCodeSetEvent,                  \
                   CELDDCAT,                           \

#define GETINTERFACERECORD(P) DosDevIOCtl(NULL,        \
                   &P,                                 \
                   IoctlCodeGetInterfaceRecord,        \
                   CELDDCAT,                           \

#define SETV24STATUS DosDevIOCtl(NULL,                 \
                   NULL,                               \
                   IoctlCodeSetV24,                    \
                   CELDDCAT,                           \

#define GETV24STATUS DosDevIOCtl(NULL,                 \
                     NULL,                             \
                     IoctlCodeGetV24,                  \
                     CELDDCAT,                         \

                   (char far *) &A,                         \
                   IoctlCodeSetLinkChar,                    \
                   CELDDCAT,                                \

#define TRANSMITFRAME(F,L) DosDevIOCtl(F,              \
                   &L,                                 \
                   IoctlCodeTxFrame,                   \
                   CELDDCAT,                           \

#define RECEIVEFRAME(F,L)  DosDevIOCtl(F,              \
                           &L,                         \
                           IoctlCodeRxFrame,           \
                           CELDDCAT,                   \


/* INFO_ : additional information error codes put in IoStatus.Information    */

#define INFO_SET_EVENT_NO_EVENT          4
#define INFO_FRAME_BUF_TOO_BIG           7
#define INFO_FRAME_BUF_TOO_SMALL         8
#define INFO_NO_CLOCKS                   9
#define INFO_NO_DMA_FDX                 10
#define INFO_CANT_ALLOCATE_MDL          11
#define INFO_DMA_BUFFER_UNUSABLE        14
#define INFO_TX_BUFFER_FULL             15
#define INFO_TX_FRAME_TOO_BIG           16
#define INFO_TX_FRAME_TOO_SMALL         17
#define INFO_NEEDS_MCA_BUS              19
#define INFO_NEEDS_ISA_BUS              20