Open(LINK) Response

Flow : DLC ------> NODE


Field Type Description
nxtqptr PTRBFHDR Pointer to next buffer header in a queue
hdreptr PTRBFELT Pointer to first buffer element
numelts CHAR Number of buffer elements: 1
msgtype CHAR Message type: OPENMSG (0x01)
srcl CHAR Source locality
srcp CHAR Source partner
srci INTEGER Source index
destl CHAR Destination locality
destp CHAR Destination partner
desti INTEGER Destination index
ophdr.openqual CHAR Open qualifier
- RSPOK (0x02)
- RSPERR (0x03)
ophdr.opentype CHAR Open type
- LINK (0x10)
ophdr.opresid INTEGER Resource identifier
ophdr.operr1 INTEGER Error code (see below)
ophdr.operr2 INTEGER Reserved
hdreptr–>elteptr PTRBFELT Pointer to next buffer element: NULL
hdreptr–>startd INTEGER Index to start of data in this buffer element's data array: 1
hdreptr–>endd INTEGER Index to last byte of data in this buffer element's data array
hdreptr–>dataru CHAR[SNANBEDA] Defined as follows, where s = startd–1
dataru[s..s+9] Source name—same as destination name from Open(LINK) Request
dataru[s+10..s+19] Destination name—name of local node; same as source name from Open(LINK) Request
dataru[s+22..s+23] Maximum BTU size supported by SNALink

The error codes (for an ERROR-RESPONSE) are defined as follows in SNA_CNST.H:

Symbolic constant Value Description
ERINIFAIL 0x01 Hardware initialization failed
ERINVXID 0x08 Invalid XID length
ERLINKOPN 0x09 Link already open
ERLLCERR 0x0A LCC error; fatal hardware failure
ERBADINDX 0x0B Invalid link index
ERBADOPN 0x0C Open(LINK) has insufficient data
ERCONNTO 0x0D Link connection time-out
ERNORES 0x0E Maximum connection count reached
No more internal control blocks
EROPNPND 0x11 Close(LINK) arrived while Open(LINK) pending
ERDUPREQ 0x12 Duplicate request