Optional Second Element (Only Used by X.25 SVC)

Element 2

Field Type Description
hdreptr–>elteptr–>elteptr PTRBFELT Pointer to next buffer element: NULL
hdreptr–>elteptr–>startd INTEGER Index to start of data in this buffer element's data array: 1
hdreptr–>elteptr–>endd INTEGER Index to last byte of data in this buffer element's data array
hdreptr–>elteptr–>dataru CHAR[SNANBEDA] Defined as follows, where s = startd–1
dataru[s] Length of facilities data field (= c) inclusive of this length byte
0x01 no facilities data
dataru[s+1..s+c–1] CHAR[c–1]    Facilities data
dataru[s+c] CHAR    Length of user data field (= d) inclusive of this length byte
0x01 no user data
dataru[s+c+1..s+c+d] User data