This section describes variables that provide file names, constants, and product information
These variables define file names and other constants.
Variable name | Description |
HlpMax | This number should be set to one more than the maximum value of the context-sensitive Help identifiers. |
HlpMin | This number should be set to one less than the minimum value of the context-sensitive Help identifiers. |
ShellCode | This variable holds the error return code from all shell executions and is set by the Setup Engine itself. A value of zero represents success; all other values represent errors. |
SubroutineInf | This .INF file contains some of the utility functions used by both SNA Server Setup and Windows NT Setup. |
ThisFile | This variable should hold the name of this .INF file without the extension. Defining it here is the only way to access this information in the setup script. |
ThisHlp | The full name of the WINHELP file for this setup script. |
ThisInf | The full name of the setup script. |
ThisSrl | The full name of the Setup Resource Library for this script. |
UtilityInf | This .INF file contains all of the SNA Server Setup utility functions. |
This section contains all the information about a single component. There should be a section of this form for each of the options supported by this script.
Variable name | Description |
FullInfName | The full path to this setup script (.INF file) after installation. |
NetRulesClass | The class to which this product belongs for bindings determination by the NCPA. |
ProductDepends | This variable holds the dependencies of this product. This value is only used in the creation of the product service key. |
ProductDll | The dynamic-link library that should be linked to by the control APIs for this component. This variable is only necessary for link services and should be given a null value for all other cases. |
ProductExclusive | This variable dictates the behavior of multiple attempts at installing this component. It can hold one of three values:
ProductExtraParams | This variable holds the entries for the ExtraParameters subkey of the product service key. It is recommended that any modifications to the value of this parameter be done in the body of the setup script with the rest of the assignments. This line serves as the initialization for this variable. |
ProductFullName | The actual value used to represent this product in the registry. It is a combination of the product name and version, separated by an underscore. |
ProductImagePath | The file name of the executable image for this product. This can be an executable file or a system file. For a link service, this variable must always contain the value SNALINK.EXE. |
ProductName | The name of this product. This name is used in conjunction with the version to provide the full name of the registry entry for this product. |
ProductParams | This variable holds the entries for the Parameters subkey of the product service key. It is recommended that any modifications to the value of this parameter be done in the body of the setup script with the rest of the assignments. This line should not be deleted since it serves to initialize this variable. |
ProductRegBase | The specific location for this product's registry entry under the SOFTWARE registry key. This variable should not be changed since all the SNA Server components should reside under SOFTWARE\Microsoft in the registry. |
ProductServicePrefix | A prefix that is used to algorithmically decide the service name for this component. Service names for SNA Server are limited to no more than eight characters. Since SNA Server Setup attaches a single-character suffix based on the index, this prefix should be no longer than seven characters. |
ProductType | An internal representation of the type of component this option belongs to. Currently, this variable can take on the values of Link and Driver. Note This value is currently unused in the SNA Server scripts; however, it should still be set since its usage will be implemented in the future. |
ProductVersion | The version of this product (component). This number is used in creating the registry key for this product under the SOFTWARE key of the registry. |
ServiceType | This variable is used to declare the type of this component for usage with the NCPA bindings. |
SNAServiceType | A more specific description of the type of component this option represents. It should be set to one of the values specified in the SNAServiceTypes section of the UtiltyInf file. |