Initialization Section

This section describes the options that control the general behavior of the script.

Source Media Descriptions

The Source Media Descriptions section contains the labels for the disks (media) used by the setup script for its installations. For more details on this section, you can consult the chapter on .INF files in the Microsoft Windows 3.1 GUI Setup Toolkit reference guide. Note that additional parameters on the description lines (for example, TAGFILE) must be in uppercase, and the spacing must be exactly as used in the existing .INF files.

Option Type

The option type is used by the Network Control Panel Applet (NCPA) to determine what kind of option this setup script can install. The NCPA expects each script to support only one type of option. The setup scripts described here use the Network Service component type (abbreviated NetService) because they need to install multiple component types and NetService is the most general type.

Languages Supported

This section should contain a list of human languages supported by the setup script. Each language is represented by a three letter abbreviation, the most common of which is ENG for the English language. Throughout the setup script, each section that has a language dependency should be rewritten once for each language. Examples of this usage abound in the existing .INF files.

Note The SNA Server setup scripts currently support only the English language. While it is possible for an IHV script to support its own set of languages, before calling any of the utility functions you must set the language specifier to English.

Option List

The option list is the most important subsection of the initialization section. It lists all of the options that a particular setup script can handle. When the NCPA queries this script, it expects to be able to install each of these options.

Note Although the SNA Server setup scripts allow link services to be inspected and configured using the NCPA, they do not support installation by the NCPA at this time.

Options Text List

This is a list of names or titles for each of the options specified in the option list. When the NCPA or SNA Server Setup calls this script, these are the names that are presented to the user. Since names are language-dependent, there should be a list of names for each language supported.

SNA Option List

The SNA option list is a subset of the option list. It lists all the options that SNA Server Setup will offer the user.

SNA Additional Options

When SNA Server Setup needs to install one of the options available to the user, it first tries to install these options. SNA Server Setup reads this list of additional components and installs each of them in order before it installs the main component. When SNA Server is removed, this list of components is used in the removal of a particular support system. The SNA Server Setup loops through its list of installed options, calls this script for the list of additional components, and attempts to remove each of these components as well as the main option.

Installation Steps

Two steps are involved in copying files during the installation of a component:

  1. The script adds files to a list of files to be copied.
  2. The script calls a function to copy the files in the list.

These options specify which of the two steps will be executed for each component's installation. These options apply only to installation by the SNA Server Setup. The NCPA always executes both steps of the file copying.

These options allow you to perform all of the file copying for all the components at the end of the installation. This can be accomplished by making the main component the only component that actually copies the files in the list. All other components add their files to the copy list until the main component copies all of the files at once.