General Constants

This section defines some general constants that are used in the setup scripts. You can add variables to this section, but you can not modify or delete any of the existing ones.

Flow control variables Description
from The label that the setup script last passed.
to The label that the setup script is headed for.

State variables Description
TRUE Boolean true.
FALSE Boolean false.
NOTIFY Used in the ProductExclusive variable defined in File Constants.

Registry initialization Description
NoTitle Used in the creation of registry keys. This variable specifies that the key to be created should not be assigned a title. None of the keys created by SNA Server setup scripts require a title. For more information, see documentation on the Windows NT registry.
KeyNull The null key handle. It is most often used for comparisons and initializations of other handles.
KeyProduct Handle to the product key in the SOFTWARE registry tree. It is assigned here for initialization purposes.
KeyParameters Handle to the Parameters subkey of the product service key. It is assigned here for initialization purposes.

Additional initialization parameters
ExitState This variable holds the state of the script after it exits. Note This feature is currently unused.
OldVersionExisted A Boolean value that describes whether a previous version of this product exists.