The sepdgetinfo function returns a structure containing the version number of SNA Server, the path of the current configuration file, and the network operating system over which SNA Server is running.
USHORT sepdgetinfo(
struct cs_info *pCSInfo | |
); |
USHORT FAR sepdgetinfo(
struct cs_info FAR *pCSInfo | |
); |
The returned cs_info structure and its members are as follows:
struct cs_info {
unsigned short length;
unsigned char major_ver;
unsigned char minor_ver;
unsigned char config_share[80];
unsigned short nos;
} cs_info;
1 for CS 1.1
2 for CS 2.0
10 for CS 1.1 (indicates 1.10)
00 for CS 2.0 (indicates 2.00)
\\server\share\ (null terminated).
1: LAN Manager / LAN Server
2: NetWare
The application must set the length member to the length of the cs_info structure (86 bytes in the current version). Any other value will be rejected. This parameter is used to ensure compatibility with future versions; an application supplying this length will always obtain the information shown here, but in future versions it may be possible to specify larger values and obtain further information.
On successful return, the data structure cs_info contains the version number of SNA Server, the path of the current configuration file, and the network operating system over which SNA Server is running.
Do not use the configuration file path returned by sepdgetinfo because NetWare clients will not be able to access this path.
If there is no configuration file server available, only the version number fields are valid; the other fields should not be checked.