Using Asynchronous Verb Completion
SNA Server permits one outstanding Windows SNA asynchronous call per connection and one blocking verb per thread. When the asynchronous verb completes, LUA does the following depending on your environment:
For a Windows NT or Windows 95 system, two types of notification are possible. The preferred type is the event method, in which the LUA application issues WaitForSingleObject/WaitForMultipleObject. The application can also post the "WinRUI"/"WinSLI" notification message to the window handle of the WinRUI/WinSLI message.
For a Windows version 3.x system, LUA notifies the completion of an asynchronous request by posting the "WinRUI"/"WinSLI" notification message to the window handle of the WinRUI/WinSLI message. A window handle has been added as the first parameter passed to the WinRUI and WinSLI functions.
For OS/2, LUA notifies the completion of an asynchronous request by posting a message to the application's Window procedure or by clearing a semaphore/event. Additionally, the application can use system queues for asynchronous verbs.