A MODEM_STATUS structure for each SNA link contains status information used by the SNA Modem Status interface.

struct _ModemStatus{
....char LSName[12];
    char V24In;
    char V24Out;
    unsigned short RxFrameCount;
    unsigned short TxFrameCount;
    char Reserved[6];


A character array containing the link service name.
A set of bit fields representing the V.24 input flags that determine which signal lines to mask. These bit fields can be ORed together to create a complete mask. The defined bit fields for V24In are as follows:
MASK_CTS Mask the clear to send line.
MASK_DSR Mask the data set ready line.
MASK_DCD Mask the data carrier detect line.
MASK_DRI Mask the data ring indicator line.

A set of bit fields representing the V.24 output flags that determine which signal lines to mask. These bit fields can be ORed together to create a complete mask. The defined bit fields for V24Out are as follows:
MASK_RTS Mask the request to send line.
MASK_DTR Mask the data terminal ready line.

A count of received frames.
A count of transmitted frames.
Padding for future expansion.