SNA Server Client Binary Files for 16-bit Windows Environments

The binary files for the 16-bit Windows environment are found in the \CLIENTS\WIN3x\SYSTEM directory on the SNA Server distribution CD-ROM. Additional copies are maintained on Library 2 on forum MSSNA on CompuServe. You will need at a minimum to distribute the following files:

File name Purpose
APPCSTR.DLL Translates APPC return codes into text strings.
CSVSTR.DLL Translates Common Service Verb (CSV) return codes into text strings.
CTL3D.DLL 3-D controls (also distributed with other Windows applications).
FMISTR.DLL Translates EIS/LUA errors into a text string.
SECURITY.DLL Handles encryption and security
TOOLHELP.DLL Toolhelp for debugging (also distributed with other Windows applications).
VER.DLL Version numbers (also distributed with other Windows applications).
WDMOD.DLL Provides a network protocol-independent transport interface for SNA Server Client applications.
WINAPPC.DLL Used by 5250 emulators and other APPC applications.
WINCSV.DLL Used by emulators that need Common Service Verbs.
WINMGT.DLL Used by 5250 emulators.
WLOGTR.DLL Used for API (APPC, CPI-C, and LUA) tracing and event logging.
WNAP.EXE Keeps track of the names of SNA servers in the SNA Server (sub)domain.
WPOPUP.EXE Message pop-up dialog boxes.

SNA Server supports a number of different transport protocols. Depending on the transport protocol or protocols used by your customer, you will need to distribute some or all of the following files:

BVCLI.DLL Banyan VINES transport
IPCLI.DLL Native TCP transport
LMCLI.DLL Named Pipes transport
NBCLI.DLL NetBIOS transport
NWCLI.DLL NetWare transport

Note SNA Server's use of IPX/SPX requires the Novell NetWare NWIPXSPX.DLL and NWNETAPI.DLL files, which are included on the SNA Server distribution CD-ROM. You must provide these files to your users under your own license agreement from Novell.

The following files are necessary if your application uses these additional features supported by SNA Server:

EHNAPPC.DLL Used for enhanced APPC API support.
EHNRTW.DLL Used for enhanced APPC API support.
LUASTR.DLL Translates LUA return codes into text strings.
WINCPIC.DLL Used for CPI-C API support.
WINRUI.DLL Used for LUA API support.
WINSLI.DLL Used for LUA API support.
WINTRC.DLL Used for SNA Server message tracing.
YMGR.DLL Used for DCA Comm Server 1.x support.

If you wish to support client tracing (which is a convenient troubleshooting tool), you will also need WINTRC.DLL and replacements for some of the files named above that can be found in the subdirectory \CLIENTS\WIN3x\TRACE.

The following files are necessary if your application needs to support Asian languages using the TRNSDT API:

TRNSDT.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTJ.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTK.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTS.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTT.DLL Used for Asian language support.
SNADBC.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNADBCK.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNADBCS.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNADBCT.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBC.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBCK.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBCS.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBCT.TBL Used for Asian Language support

The details of the installation process are described in the following topic.