Windows NT Registry: SnaBase\Parameters

The Parameters node needs to be created under the SnaBase node if it does not already exist. It will contain other parameters used by SNA Server Clients:


Under this node, the following entries and values must be entered or modified:

The value of this entry should be set to a DWORD that indicates the interval in seconds for buffer auditing. This registry entry is only applicable to Windows NT. A value of –1 indicates no buffer auditing. The value for this DWORD should be set to –1.
The value of this entry should be set to a DWORD that indicates the maximum size in bytes of the trace files. The value for this DWORD is normally set to 500000.
The value of this entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string that indicates the FMI trace state. Possible values are the "on" or "off" string. The value for this string should be set to the "off" string.
The value of this entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string that indicates the internal message trace state. Possible values are the "on" or "off" string. The value for this string should be set to the "off" string.
InternalTraceFile1 and InternalTraceFile2 are the names of files to which internal trace output is written. If two file names are specified, trace output is sent to the first file until it reaches FlipLength bytes and then to the second file; when the second file also reaches FlipLength bytes the first file is cleared and tracing continues to the first file. This process continues, changing to the other file every time the current file reaches FlipLength. The typical value for this string is C:\SNA\traces\napint1.trc.
InternalTraceFile1 and InternalTraceFile2 are the names of files to which internal trace output is written. If two file names are specified, trace output is sent to the first file until it reaches FlipLength bytes and then to the second file; when the second file also reaches FlipLength bytes the first file is cleared and tracing continues to the first file. This process continues, changing to the other file every time the current file reaches FlipLength. The typical value for this string is C:\SNA\traces\napint2.trc.
The value of this entry should be set to a DWORD that indicates the internal trace level. The value for this DWORD should be set to 20.
The value of this entry should be set to a DWORD that indicates the maximum record length supported. The value for this DWORD should be set to 65535.
The value of this entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string that points to file1 used for holding message trace information. The typical value for this string is C:\SNA\traces\napmsg1.trc.
The value of this entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string that points to file2 used for holding message trace information. The typical value for this string is C:\SNA\traces\napmsg2.trc.
The value of this entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string that indicates the PVI trace state. Possible values are the "on" or "off" string. The value for this string should be set to the "off" string.
The value of this entry should be set to a DWORD that indicates the SNA Service type. The value for this DWORD should be set to 28 for SnaBase.
The value of this entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string that indicates whether trace flushing is enabled. Possible values are the "on" or "off" string. The value for this string should be set to the "off" string.
The value of this entry should be set to an REG_MULTI_SZ string that indicates the transport or transports that should be used for the SNA Server Client binaries. Possible values are:



SNALM.DLL (Microsoft Networking or Named Pipes)


The value for this string should be set based on the transport or transports to be used by the SNA Server Client.