SNA Server Client Binary Files for Win32 Environments

The binary files on the SNA Server distribution CD-ROM for use on Windows NT are found in the \CLIENTS\WINNT and \CLIENTS\WINNT\SYSTEM directories, and the binary files for use on Windows 95 are found in the \CLIENTS\WIN95 and \CLIENTS\WIN95\SYSTEM directories. Additional copies are maintained on Library 2 on forum MSSNA on CompuServe. You will need at a minimum to distribute the following files:

File name Purpose
ADLOC.DLL Locates SNA Servers.
APPCST32.DLL Translates APPC return codes into text strings.
ASYNCTRC.DLL Asynchronous trace DLL (Windows 95 only).
COMTBLG.DAT Table for type G character set conversion (ASCII <–>EBCDIC).
CSVSTR32.DLL Translates Common Service Verb (CSV) return codes into text strings.
DBGTRACE.DLL Trace DLL (asynchronous).
DMODAPPC.DLL A support DLL used by SNAKRNL.DLL to provide a network protocol-independent transport interface for SNA Server Client applications (used only on Windows 95).
FMISTR32.DLL Translates EIS/LUA error codes into text strings.
MFC40.DLL MFC run-time support.
MFC40U.DLL MFC run-time support.
MSVCIRT.DLL Visual C/C++ run-time support.
MSVCRT.DLL Visual C/C++ run-time support.
MSVCRT40.DLL Visual C/C++ run-time support.
OLEPRO32,DLL OLE run-time support.
SNADMOD.DLL Provides a network protocol-independent transport interface for SNA Server Client applications.

On Windows 95 this DLL allows applications written for the SNA Server Windows NT Client to run unmodified with the SNA Server Windows 95 Client. The SNADMOD.DLL functionality is provided by new DLLs on Windows 95 (for example, SNAKRNL.DLL).

SNADUMP.DLL SNA debug helper DLL.
SNAEVENT.DLL SNA Server event log message file (used only on Windows NT).
SNAKRNL.DLL Provides a network protocol-independent transport interface for SNA Server Client applications (used only on Windows 95).
SNAPERF.DLL Used for supporting performance monitoring (used only on Windows NT).
SNAPOPUP.EXE Used for displaying SNA message pop-up dialog boxes (used only on Windows NT).
SNAREG.DLL API support for accessing the registry.
SNASVC.DLL Used for supporting services (used only on Windows NT).
SNATRACE.CPL Control panel applet for dynamically enabling and disabling API (APPC, CPI-C, and LUA) tracing and event logging.
SNATRACE.HLP Help file used for API (APPC, CPI-C, and LUA) tracing and event logging.
SNATRC.DLL Used for SNA Server message tracing.
SNATRCCN.DLL Used for SNA Server message tracing (used only on Windows NT).
SNATRCSN.DLL Used for SNA Server message tracing.
WAPPC32.DLL Used by 5250 emulators and other APPC applications.
WINAPPC.DLL Stub APPC DLL used by 5250 emulators and other APPC applications.
WINCSV.DLL Stub DLL used by emulators that need Common Service Verbs (CSV).
WINCSV32.DLL Used by emulators that need CSV.
WINMGT32.DLL Used by 5250 emulators and for supporting APPC management verbs.

SNA Server supports a number of different transport protocols. Depending on the transport protocol or protocols used by your customer, you will need to distribute some or all of the following files:

BVNSTT.DLL Used to locate SNA Servers over Banyan VINES transport.
IBPCAST.DLL Used to locate SNA Servers over TCP transport.
LMBCAST.DLL Used to locate SNA Servers over Named Pipes transport.
NWSAP.DLL Used to locate SNA Servers over NetWare transport.
SNABV.DLL Banyan VINES transport for Windows NT.
SNACBV.DLL Banyan VINES transport for Windows 95.
SNACIP.DLL Native TCP transport for Windows 95.
SNACLM.DLL Named Pipes transport for Windows 95.
SNACNW.DLL NetWare transport for Windows 95.
SNAIP.DLL Native TCP transport for Windows NT.
SNALM.DLL Named Pipes transport for Windows NT.
SNANB.DLL NetBIOS transport (used only on Windows NT).
SNANCP.DLL Helper DLL for NetWare transport (required by SNACNW.DLL and SNANW.DLL).
SNANW.DLL NetWare transport for Windows NT.
VSTAPI.DLL Helper DLL for Banyan VINES transport (required by SNABV.DLL and SNACBV.DLL).

The following files are optional and are only necessary if your application uses these additional features supported by SNA Server:

AFTPAPI.DLL Used for AFTP API support.
AFTPEVT.DLL Used for AFTP API support.
AFTPMSG.DLL Used for AFTP API support.
CHECKSUM.EXE File checksum utility.
DLSSTAT.EXE Distributed Link Service status utility for Windows NT.
LUASTR32.DLL Translates LUA return codes into text strings.
SNANLS.DLL Used for National Language Support (Windows 95 only)
SNASHMEM.EXE Tool to look at shared memory.
SNAVER.EXE Tool to display version numbers.
TPSTART.EXE Used for loading transaction programs (used on Windows NT only).
WCPIC32.DLL Used for CPI-C API support.
WINCPIC.DLL Used for CPI-C API support.
WINRUI.DLL Stub DLL used for LUA API support.
WINRUI32.DLL Used for LUA API support.
WINSLI.DLL Stub DLL used for LUA API support.
WINSLI32.DLL Used for LUA API support.

For SNA National Language Support using SNANLS, the appropriate NLS files will also need to be installed.

Debug files for the Windows NT DLLs are provided in the \CLIENTS\WINNT\SYSTEM\SYMBOLS\DLL directory, and debug files for the Windows 95 DLLs are provided in the \CLIENTS\WIN95\SYSTEM\SYMBOLS\DLL directory.

The following files are necessary if your application needs to support Asian languages using the TRNSDT API or the SNANLS API:

TRNSDT.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTJ.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTK.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTS.DLL Used for Asian language support.
TRNSDTT.DLL Used for Asian language support.
SNADBC.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNADBCK.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNADBCS.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNADBCT.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBC.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBCK.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBCS.TBL Used for Asian Language support
SNASBCT.TBL Used for Asian Language support

The details of the installation process are described in the following topic.