
The TrnsDT function is called to translate a string from one code page to another.



Supplied parameter. A pointer to a PASSSTRUCT structure containing members that must be supplied as well as members that are returned by the function.

The PASSSTRUCT structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct tagPassParm {
    WORD    parm_length;
    WORD    exit_code;
    WORD    in_length;
    LPBYTE  in_addr;
    WORD    out_length;
    LPBYTE  out_addr;
    WORD    trns_id;
    WORD    in_page;
    WORD    out_page;
    WORD    option;


Supplied parameter. The length of the structure passed, normally set to 24. If the option member is not needed or used, then this parameter can be set to 22.
Supplied and returned parameter. On entry this member must be set to zero. On return, this member indicates the exit status. Legal values for returned exit_code values are as follows:
Normal exit code indicating function completed succesfully.
The requested conversion is not supported.
The exit_code field was not properly initialized to zero.
The last character in the source input string was a DBCS lead byte.
The conversion could not be successfully completed since the length of the resulting converted destination string exceeds 65535 bytes.
An error occurred when trying to load one and initialize one of the TrnsDTx.DLL files.
Supplied parameter. Specifies the length of the input source string in bytes.
Supplied parameter. A pointer to the buffer containing the source string to be converted.
Supplied and returned parameter. Specifies the maximum length available for the output translated string in bytes. On return, this member is set to the length of the converted output string on success or the output buffer length needed if the buffer was too small.
Supplied parameter. A pointer to the buffer that will contain the output destination string after conversion.
Supplied parameter. The conversion identifier, which is always zero.
Supplied parameter. Specifies the code page of the incoming source string.
Supplied parameter. Specifies the code page of the output translated string.
Supplied and returned parameter if parm_length was set to 24. As a supplied parameter, this specifies a set of options that may be applied to the translation process. Possible values for these options are as follows:
Bits 15-9
Bit 8
Add shift out (SO)/shift in (SI) bytes to the converted output strings.
Bits 3-7
Bit 2
If this bit is set, then convert the input string using the IBM-specified one-byte code table. This option is only valid when converting from code page 932 to one of the following code pages: 037, 290, 930, or 931.

If this bit is zero, then convert the input source string using the conversion table that is created using the SYSCTBL utility.

In case of double-byte characters, always use the conversion table created by the SYSCTBL utility.

The SYSCTBL.EXE file is a utility program included with SNA Server that provides a tool that can be used to create custom conversion tables for use with the TrnsDT function.

Bit 1
If this bit is set, then it indicates that the input source string starts with a 2-byte character. Generally, the host data always includes SO/SI control characters in pairs. But when converting part of mixed data strings, it is necessary to start the conversion from a double-byte character without the SO control character. In this case, the data itself does not have adequate information to determine if it is double-byte or not, so bit 1 must be set.
Bit 0
If this bit is set, then it indicates that the input source string contains SO/SI control characters. Bit 8 and bit 0 should be set as follows:

Conversion from PC to host Bit 8=1, bit 0 =0
Conversion from host to PC Bit 8=0, bit 0=1

On return, option is set to 4 if the last character was a double-byte character.

Return Values

The TrnsDT function returns zero on success. On failure, possible values returned by this function are as follows:

This error is returned if the TrnsDT table files (*.TBL) could not be found. Normally TrnsDT uses the conversion tables located in the Microsoft® SNA Server System directory on Microsoft® Windows NT®, Microsoft® Windows® 95, or Windows 3.x. If TrnsDT cannot find these tables, it searches for them in the current directory.
This error is returned if a bad value was passed for one or more of the members of the PassParm structure. Invalid parameters can include not zeroing the exit_code member, passing an in_length for the input source string of zero or less or greater than 65535 bytes, passing an out_length for the output string buffer of zero or less, passing in_page or out_page members containing undefined codepage values.
This error is returned if the output buffer is too small for the converted output string. In such cases, the out_length member returns with the necessary value in bytes for the output buffer. This error is also returned if the length of the output buffer needed to convert the source string would exceed 65535 bytes.
This error is returned if memory could not be allocated for use by the TrnsDT DLL.