Configuring Default Values for the OLE DB Provider

This section explains how to configure the default values for the OLE DB Provider using the SNA OLE DB Management snap-in.

The SNA OLE DB snap-in can be started from the icon in the SNA client folder. In the left pane, highlight the OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM, right-click with the mouse, and select properties. The default properties for the OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM that can be set are shown on two property pages and include the following main parameters:

Main parameters Description
Local LU Alias The name of the local LU alias configured in the SNA server.

The default value for this parameter is LOCAL.

APPC Mode The APPC mode that must be set to a value that matches the host configuration and SNA server configuration. Legal values for the APPC mode include QPCSUPP (5250), #INTER (interactive), #INTERSC (interactive), #BATCH (batch), #BATCHSC (batch), and custom modes. The following modes that support bidirectional LZ89 compression are also legal: #INTERC (interactive), INTERCS (interactive), BATCHC (batch), and BATCHCS (batch).

The default value for this parameter is QPCSUPP.

BinAsChar A button that indicates whether to process binary fields as character fields.

The default properties for Locale page include the following parameters:

Locale parameters Description
Locale Two option buttons allow selecting either NLS code page conversions or Custom code page conversions.
Host CCSID The character code set identifier (CCSID) to be used on the host. The allowed data values for Host CCSID are selected from a drop-down list box.

The default value for this parameter is U.S./Canada (37).

PC Code Page This parameter is only used when the SNA client is configured for Custom code page conversion.

When configured for custom conversions, the PC Code Page parameter indicates the code page to be used on the PC for character code conversion. The allowed data values for PC Code Page are selected from a drop-down list box.

If this parameter is set to Binary or 65535, then no character code conversions will take place.

The default value for this parameter is United States (437).

These parameters correspond with registry keys and values that are created and modified by the SNA OLE DB Management Console snap-in under the SNA OLE DB registry key

The Host CCSID setting used by the OLE DB Provider must bet set to match the CCSID actually used on the host otherwise data loss will occur. Note that some AS/400 systems default to a CCSID of 937 rather than 37 for enabling double-byte character sets (DBCS).